Uterine Cleanser and restorative, Stimulates the Uterine Musculature for
- expulsion of Retained Placenta.
- As an ideal uterine cleanser after manualremoval of retained placenta.
- timely expulsion of Placenta after calving.
- Delayed Involution of Uterus.
- Regulation of lochial discharge
- Retention of PlacentaAs a Prophylactic to Silent HeatPrometra, Endomertsis, MetritisPuerperal Fever, Repeat BreedingDelayed Involution of UterusAs a Remedial help to easy CalvingLowered Milk yield associated with reproductive diseases
Uterine Liquid | 500 ml, 1 Ltr. |
Packing Available:
500 ml., 1 Ltr. HDPE Bottle
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Feed Supplement Bolus (Drug) Injections Liquid (Drug) Ayurvedic